When it comes to housing geckos in the same enclosure, if you happen to have both a male and a female gecko in the same space, then there’s a chance that they might reproduce, so you shouldn’t be too surprised about discovering an oval-shaped egg or two in their tank.
The difference in eggs can vary greatly depending on the species of gecko you have, so it’s important to become familiar with the characteristics of the eggs from the species you’re caring for.
If you want to learn more about gecko eggs, then you’ve come to the right place, as we have all of the information you could want about gecko eggs, including their size, their color, and more.
This information is especially important to learn if you’re planning on incubating the eggs for a successful hatch, so if you’re thinking about breeding your geckos, then this guide will most certainly come in handy.
So, to find out whether you have gecko eggs, as well as more about gecko eggs in general, then stay with us and read through our guide to everything you need to know about gecko eggs (see also “Geckos Lifespan“)!
What Do Gecko Eggs Look Like?
While gecko eggs generally tend to be laid in couples, with two white, oval shaped eggs, being laid at a time.
The size ranges of these eggs, as well as a number of other characteristics, can all vary depending on the species of gecko that you own. Which is why no description of gecko eggs is fit for all species!
Two of the most common characteristics of gecko eggs is that they are white, highly calcified, and tend to be either oval shaped or spherical.
These eggs are soft when initially laid, but will eventually harden as time goes on. In addition to this, it’s completely natural for gecko eggs to increase in size as they incubate too.
Other characteristics of gecko eggs include sweat-like water droplets on the outside of the egg shell, and some gecko eggs will even become dented as they get closer to hatching!
The eggs of the gecko can vary greatly in size too, usually measuring between one-third and half an inch in size, although it is worth noting that it is very rare for the weight of a gecko’s egg to be recorded.
The incubation process for geckos is vastly different from that of bird’s eggs, and there’s even a significant difference between geckos and other reptiles and snakes too.
What’s perhaps the most confusing about gecko eggs is that each species of gecko will have different requirements in order for their eggs to be incubated properly, which means that if you want to ensure that the eggs your geckos have laid are able to hatch successfully, then you should make sure that you know the requirements of the species of egg you have.
It’s also worth noting that your gecko’s eggs can be affected by a wide range of different factors, and although we are unable to delve into the full details, this guide will take a brief look at the temperature requirements and the necessary egg-handling techniques.
So, let’s take a closer look at the details of a wide range of gecko eggs!
Leopard Gecko Eggs
Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis Macularius) tend to lay oval-shaped eggs, which will usually measure around the same size as your thumb would, so between one and one and a half inches.
The surface of the egg itself will have a slightly leathery texture, almost comparable to suede, and will be chalk white in color.
It’s not uncommon for other eggs to be much darker though, or with a slight speckling on the shell itself, but this has no impact on the egg’s incubation of hatching whatsoever.
Upon being laid, these eggs will usually start off as firm and compact, and will only get even harder as time passes.
If you’re interested in seeing the embryo’s development inside of the egg, then all you need to do is hold up a small candle to the egg, which will allow you to see inside.
Some abnormal things to look out for on your Leopard Gecko eggs include a shrivelled visage, a soft texture, or a balloon-like texture, as these are all signs that your gecko’s eggs are actually infertile.
- Number of eggs produced in each clutch: 1 to 2 eggs
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 8
- Incubation period: 35 to 90 days
- Incubation temperature: 77 to 92 degrees fahrenheit
Crested Gecko Eggs
Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) will tend to lay white, oval-shaped eggs that usually measure around an inch long.
One of the typical habits of a Crested Gecko is that they will often bury their eggs under the substrate in their tank, which is why the appearance of their eggs is often so rough.
However, it’s also not uncommon to find smooth eggs either, but it is worth noting that the texture of the egg provides no indication of the egg’s overall condition.
You might hear people suggest that you provide your Crested Gecko with a sufficient lay box that helps to provide your gecko with enough privacy for them to lay their eggs peacefully.
While this isn’t a bad idea, some geckos will simply prefer to lay their eggs in the usual substrate in the tank, which is why you should be particularly mindful to check whether there are any eggs in the tank.
Upon finding the eggs, you should remove them, as female Crested Geckos will simply ignore them, and when removing them, just make sure that you don’t rotate any of them out of their initial orientation.
Leaving them inside of the tank is still an option, but when it comes to incubation, it’s almost always best to opt for a separate container altogether.
Owners and experts alike have noted that by incubating Crested Gecko eggs for longer periods of time at a slightly lower temperature, the result is larger hatchlings that have a more sturdy body, including a more rugged chest structure, which will increase the welfare of your Crested Geckos.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2 eggs
- Number of clutches per year: 6 to 9 clutches
- Incubation period: 60 to 120 days
- Incubation temperature: 68 to 78 degrees fahrenheit
African Fat Tailed Gecko Eggs
African Fat Tailed Gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) eggs are usually ovular in shape, white in color, and with a slightly chalky texture, measuring between one and one and a half inches long.
Much like Crested Geckos, the females of the African Fat Tailed Gecko will often bury her eggs under the substrate, so you may decide to provide her with a laying box, but there’s also a chance they won’t utilize it, so if you’re expecting eggs, then be sure to check around the tank.
Typically, each clutch will consist of two eggs, which are both slightly sticky at first, before later becoming firmer and more turgid as time goes on.
Although it’s uncommon, it is possible for a clutch to consist of either a singular egg, or even three eggs. However, so long as you follow the guidelines for a healthy incubation, there should be no issues.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 3
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 5
- Incubation period: 40 to 70 days
- Incubation temperature: 82 to 93 degrees fahrenheit
Asian House Gecko Eggs
Asian House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) eggs tend to be round, and will usually measure about a third of an inch in length overall.
Compared to the soft-shelled eggs of many reptiles, the eggs of this gecko species are hard, which helps to prevent any moisture loss, as well as allowing them to withstand long-distance travel.
In the wild, these eggs are almost always laid in the soil, amongst the rocks and dead leaves that would coat the floor, or underneath loose bark, inside wall cavities, and affixed to a solid surface.
If you have an Asian House Gecko as a pet, then it’s worth checking under the substrate, carpet, hides, or even on tank walls to see if any eggs have been laid.
There will usually be two eggs laid per clutch, with hard shells that can be seen through from underneath.
Typically these eggs will incubate for anywhere between 24 to 62 days in the world, although this is dependent on the geographic location/natural environment.
In captivity, incubation time is much longer, taking around 90 days to mature before hatching.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 4
- Incubation period 46 to 90 days
- Incubation temperature: 64 to 84 degrees fahrenheit
Chahoua Gecko Eggs
The eggs of the Chahoua Gecko (Mniarogekko chahoua) are typically well-calcified, and tend to be around the size of a human thumb.
These eggs will usually be buried under substrate or leaf litters, or even behind tree barks. Once these eggs have been laid, the female Chahoua Gecko will defend their eggs until they have hatched.
The females are the only gecko of the Rhacodactylus genus that will lay this type of highly calcified egg, which can be a cause for a concern after their second or third clutch of eggs of the year, as it can make the gecko more susceptible to metabolic bone disease and calcium deficiency, which it is why it is so important to keep a close eye on your gecko after this point.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 5
- Incubation period: 60 to 200 days
- Incubation temperature: 64 to 77 degrees fahrenheit
Chinese Cave Gecko Eggs
The white ovular eggs of the Chinese Cave Gecko (Goniurosaurus hainanensis) will often be buried underneath the substrate, generally in an area away from a source of heat.
In fact, as noted by experts and owners alike, these geckos will also tend to prefer to lay their eggs, which measure around one and a half inches, in more humid conditions too.
If you decide not to provide a lay box for your female Chinese Cave Gecko, then you should ensure that you are extremely careful when it comes to looking for them in her tank, as it’s common for these hard-shelled eggs to be laid either underneath hides, or even underneath some of the accessories in the tank, so be careful not to break them!
- Number of eggs per clutch: 2
- Number of clutches per year: 2 to 6
- Incubation period: 60 to 90 days
- Incubation temperature: 75 to 84 degrees fahrenheit
Electric Blue Gecko Eggs
The eggs of the Electric Blue Gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi) are much smaller than the eggs of the other geckos we’ve looked at so far, and are comparable to the size of a pea, measuring at around a third of an inch in length.
These eggs will almost always be affixed to a solid surface, and feature hard shells to help protect them too.
Typical for most geckos, this species are egg-gluers, firmly pressing their sticky eggs to a surface, which can then not be removed.
So it’s important to never try to pry an egg free of its clutch, as you will almost certainly end up destroying the egg.
If no specific egg-laying site is provided for the female, she will instinctively make use of any cramp space she can find within the tank
So if you’re expecting eggs, then make sure to carefully check any gaps or crevices that are known to you in the tank.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 6
- Incubation period: 50 to 142 days
- Incubation temperature: 70 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit
Flying Gecko Eggs
In the wild, Flying Geckos (Gekko Kuhli) are known to be communal egg-gluers, with their eggs often being affixed to leaves or bark found throughout their natural habitat.
Meanwhile in captivity, the white, spherical-looking eggs, will be found glued to either the tank’s walls, inside the hides, or underneath some of the larger accessories within the tank – which makes it particularly hard for you to find!
Measuring between half an inch and three-quarters of an inch in length, the eggs of the Flying Gecko are extremely fragile, and any attempt to peel them from their affixed surface will cause them to be broken.
As such, it’s best for the eggs to be left where they are for the most part. Although, if they are affixed to a surface that is removable from the tank, then incubating them in a separate container while still attached to this surface is a possibility.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 4 per year
- Incubation period: 21 to 127 days
- Incubation temperature: 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit
Frog-Eyed Gecko
Much like both Leopard and Crested Geckos, the Frog-Eyed Gecko (Teratoscincus scincus) isn’t particularly caring of its eggs, so once these white ovular eggs have been deposited into the substrate of its tank, it’s arguably best to remove them into a separate container for incubation, which will help to prevent the adult geckos from stepping on them and breaking them.
Despite their fragile nature, the one-and-a-half-inch shells of these geckos are hard and calcareous. You should ensure that the eggs are only touched when transferring them, and that their orientation is not changed as you do so.
Unlike many other species of gecko, Frog-Eyed Geckos are not gluers, and their eggs are found separated from each other.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 2
- Number of clutches per year: 2 to 4
- Incubation period: 60 to 100 days
- Incubation temperature: 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit
Gargoyle Gecko
While many other species of gecko tend to prefer to glue their eggs on to places with high elevation, the white eggs of the Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) are buried underneath the substrate in their tank.
The eggs are laid in pairs, and are soft-shelled, and many owners will tend to transfer these eggs to a separate container for the incubation period, which will prevent any sort of predation from the adult geckos living in the tank.
The eggs should be easy enough to locate, thanks to their elongated ovular shape, which will usually equate to the size of your thumb.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 4 to 9
- Incubation period: 45 to 100 days
- Incubation temperature: 70 to 82 degrees
Gold Dust Day Gecko Eggs
The Gold Dust Day Gecko (Phelsuma laticauda) is much like any other of the species under Phelsuma in that their eggs, which usually measure at a quarter of an inch, are typically laid inside of the crevices found in sansevieria leaves, or inside of bamboo shoots instead.
One key thing to remember about this species is that the females are somewhat secretive, which means that you should avoid disturbing them at all costs as they lay their eggs.
2 eggs are the most common number in a clutch, with both of the eggs being dry, and adhered to one another, although sometimes you might find a singular egg by itself.
This species of gecko is not a gluer, so you won’t find any of these eggs stuck to a surface in the tank, which means that once they have dried, you can remove them and place them into a separate incubation container if you so wish.
There is a valid case for incubating these eggs separately, and that’s because the adult geckos might decide to eat some of the hatchlings, so it’s definitely best to remove the eggs, ensuring that they maintain their initial orientation (see also “What Does A Leopard Gecko’s Diet Look Like?“).
You should be able to roll the eggs on your palm, but you shouldn’t. If you notice that the eggs have a sticky or particularly gooey texture to them, then it unfortunately means that the eggs are infertile.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 5
- Incubation period: 35 to 50 days
- Incubation temperature: 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit
Golden Gecko
Known as a prominent egg-glueing species, it means that the white, sometimes yellowish, eggs of the Golden Gecko (Gekko ulikovskii) are unremovable from the surfaces in which they are attached to, and when in the wild, they’re communal nesters, and it wouldn’t be uncommon to find a nesting site with somewhere between 250 to even 300 eggs from a number of different females.
In captivity, the eggs of this species are laid anywhere, from dishes to hides, or even on the sides of the tank too. Measuring at a length of one-third of an inch to half an inch, they’re definitely noticeable.
Unlike some species, the females of this species are rather protective of their eggs, and they will only lay their eggs in a place which they feel is safe for the eggs.
So you should try to ensure that the environment in which the eggs are laid in have the correct conditions for them to incubate and hatch correctly.
You should never try to remove a Golden Gecko’s eggs from the surface they are attached to, as this will almost definitely cause damage to the embryo inside.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 6
- Incubation period: 60 to 200 days
- 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit
Mediterranean House Gecko Eggs
The Mediterranean House Gecko is known to be a communal nester, with its oval shaped eggs being found in a wide variety of locations, such as tree barks, in man-made structures, in moist soil, or even in rock clefts.
The clutch of a female of this species usually consists of 1 to 2 eggs per clutch, with 2 to 3 clutches produced per year.
And although the eggs, which measure a third of an inch in length, are initially sticky and soft at first, they later harden up as time goes on.
The incubation period of the eggs varies greatly from that of the incubation period in captivity. These eggs usually take between 60 to 180 days in the wild, but in captivity, it all depends on the temperature.
Temperatures of 90 degrees Fahrenheit will see the eggs hatch within 45 days, while degrees of 79 degrees Fahrenheit tend to take around 60 days of maturation before hatching.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 2 to 3
- Incubation period: 45 – 180 days
- Incubation temperature: 79 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit
Moorish Gecko Eggs
One of the most unusual things about the eggs of the Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) is that the eggs are almost perfectly spherical.
These eggs are laid almost always as a pair, although uncommon, solo eggs are sometimes found. Measuring between a quarter and half an inch, these eggs would typically be found deposited in tree bark crevices or in gaps in walls.
If you have a Moorish Gecko as a pet, then expect to find the eggs to be buried somewhere in a moist section of the tank’s substrate.
The eggs are known for their hard texture and distinctly white color, but unlike most other eggs laid by geckos, they are separate from one another!
If you’re expecting fertile eggs in your tank, be sure to separate them into a dedicated incubation container as soon as possible, as this species is known to eat its young upon hatching.
Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
Number of clutches per year: 2 to 4
Incubation period: 55 to 98 days
Incubation temperature: 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Eggs
With eggs that measure an inch in length, it’s hard to miss the eggs of the Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus).
Although their eggs do tend to be found in more discrete locations, especially when they are found under things such as clumps of leaves, or even underneath the substrate.
If you provide a hide in the tank for your female, then there is a chance that she might just decide to lay her eggs in there.
A clutch of these eggs is typically formed of a pair of eggs, although it isn’t impossible to see a singular egg clutch, or even three eggs in a clutch.
If the texture of the egg(s) is sticky and soft, then it means that this egg is unfortunately infertile.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 3
- Number of clutches per year: 2 to 6
- Incubation period: 60 to 120 days
- Incubation period: 70 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
Tokay Gecko Eggs
Known for their hard-shelled, ovular eggs, Tokay Geckos (Gekko gecko) lay eggs that are usually somewhere between an eighth of an inch to one and a half inches, so it varies quite drastically.
The eggs of this species are usually affixed to a viable nesting site so long as it is vertical, so if you’re expecting fertile eggs, then try to check the sides of the tank first.
Something that is unique about this species is that the parents will alternate with one another to protect their eggs, with the female often brooding over the eggs to ensure that their temperature is correctly regulated.
So it’s best to leave these eggs inside of the tank with their parents!
It’s worth noting that attempting to remove these eggs, or attempting to rearrange the nesting site of the female will stress her, and will prevent her from producing any more eggs until the next season.
If you wish to prevent future clutches, then you should remove the male from the tank, which will help to prevent the female from using up her mineral reserves, which could lead to egg binding and kidney failure!
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 3 to 4
- Incubation period: 60 to 200 days
- Incubation temperature: 80 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit
White-Lined Gecko Eggs
While the eggs of the White-Lined Gecko (Gekko vittatus) are usually hatched after being glued to the stalks of leaves, in captivity, these eggs can be found attached to the walls of their tank, stuck to one another.
These eggs measure at a quarter of an inch in length, and just like any other gecko eggs that are affixed to a surface, you should never make any attempt to remove them, as it decreases their likelihood of hatching.
The parents of this species are known to crush or eat the eggs, so your best bet is to cover them using a holed deli cup.
Alternatively, the parents can also be super protective of their eggs, in which case it’s fine to leave them as they are.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 1 to 2
- Number of clutches per year: 4 to 8
- Incubation period: 75 to 180 days
- Incubation temperature: 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit
Yellow-Headed Day Gecko Eggs
The Yellow-Headed Day Gecko (Phelsuma klemmeri) are non-gluers, so their eggs are never found attached to a surface.
Measuring a quarter of an inch, you will find the eggs tucked away in discrete locations around the tank. In the wild, the usual place would be inside dried-out bamboo shoots.
These eggs do require humidity in order to incubate properly, but not moisture, so you’ll need to research the incubation process in more depth to ensure that you get it right.
- Number of eggs per clutch: 2
- Number of clutches per year: 2 to 3
- Incubation period: 39 – 80 days
- Incubation temperature: 79 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, a brief look into the details of a wide variety of gecko eggs. If you plan on incubating and hatching your own gecko eggs, then it’s best to consult a more in-depth guide of the species, but this should get you started!